Presenters Guide

A reminder that all presenters must abide by the Code of Conduct.

Please check the Programme to see if you have been allocated a long or short timeslot:

  1. Long: _ minute timeslot (no live question time)
  2. Short: _ minute timeslot (with live question time)

(Update 15/07/2024: Time slot lengths are still being decided)

“Live question time” means that the Session Chair will moderate questions during the presenter’s timeslot.

All presenters will be given the opportunity to respond to questions submitted via the conference Slack workspace throughout the event and afterwards.

All presentations will be recorded by default. Please contact the Organising Committee if you do not wish to be recorded.


For streaming purposes, presenters must deliver their talk using the PC at the venue. Please bring your presentation slides (preferably PDF) on a USB drive for loading onto the venue computer.

During question time, please repeat the question into the microphone so that it is recorded as well.


Zoom connection details will be distributed via the Slack workspace.

Those presenting online may choose to use our branded virtual background: