
Abstracts will be published here once the conference programme has been finalised.

Day 1


A peek around the corner : Some thoughts about the next five years

Vince Galvin, Chief Methodologist, Stats NZ

I’ll present some thoughts about some of the issues that I expect to dominate the Official Statistics aspects of Statistical practice. As well as highlighting a few issues in delivering accurate measures of things that matter, I’ll offer some more personal views about how some of the big trends will play out.

Session 1.1

Session 1.2

Day 2


Session 2.1

Session 2.2

Day 3


Highlights from a career in applied statistics

Russell Thomson

In this talk, I will describe some of the more interesting projects, from a 2- year career in applied statistics. Some projects are interesting for their methods they combine; such as random forests, structural equation modelling, mixed effects models and modern multivariate techniques. Other projects are interesting because of the problems behind them, such as automated watering systems, evaluating marine parks and childhood predictors of adverse adult health conditions. I will also talk about the intersection between statistics and my other favourite topic, music.

Session 3.1

Session 3.2